Tuesday, October 4, 2016


In today's society, many people wait until they encounter illness to actively make choices to improve their health. They go about their day as usual, until they become sick with something that forces their regular day to be affected. They then make a choice to go to a doctor to receive something that is intended to help their sickness.

What if it was possible to not just get healthy, but to stay healthy? What if you were born with a sophisticated, intelligent system with the sole purpose of keeping you healthy? What if there was a preventative healthcare system to not only help you get well, but to stay well?


When you were forming in the womb, systems were designed in your tiny body for many purposes - digestion, breathing, detoxifying, communication and HEALING. When you scrape your knee, the body heals. When you brake a bone, the body heals. When you encounter disease, whether a virus, a bacteria, or a fungus, the body responds. Your body was designed so intelligently to help you fight off disease. You have nose hairs to keep large molecules out of your airways. You have oils and hair on your skin to keep out foreign invaders. You have the ability to sneeze or cough out unwanted things. You have an IMMUNE SYSTEM with the sole purpose of helping your fight off disease.

However you encounter a foreign invader - virus, bacteria, fungus - it may enter your body without you even knowing it. When the body encounters this invader, your IMMUNE SYSTEM responds appropriately. Your fighters are signaled to immediately adapt for your protection. We each have a unique system, some better than others at fighting disease, yet we all have daily opportunities to improve our ability to fight and adapt to disease.

How can you improve your immune system? Here are some easy ways:
- GET ADJUSTED. Your brain and nervous system control and coordinate all structures and functions in your body. By allowing your brain and your body to communicate at their best, your body and specifically your sinuses can then function at their optimal potential. Your sinuses are open passageways for air and mucous to enter and leave. When they are not functioning properly, when they cannot drain properly, a buildup of fluid commonly occurs. When fluid builds up, infection commonly forms. Also, research has shown that a CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT has the potential to boost your immune system up to 400%. That could be the difference between you getting sick this year or not!
- PROPER NUTRITION & HYDRATION. When your body has the necessary fuel to function at its optimum, you have a better chance to adapt and respond to your environment.
- STAY WARM. Your body functions best around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. More energy is used and more fuel is needed when your body is at a colder temperature. When a foreign invader enters our system, our body often heats up to kill off this unwanted organism. If the body heats up enough, we call it a fever. Just as you use hot water when washing the dishes, we use heat inside our body to kill off bacteria and viruses. When fall and winter start, the temperature drops and our bodies need more help to stay warm in order to best adapt to our environment.


Stay healthy!

-Dr. Kim